Where we communicate what New Space does for citizens
17 - 21 MARCH 2025

Leading institutions and companies of the ‘New Space’ present in Seville innovations that will transform your day-to-day life

Thursday March 6, 2025 | Evento

  • Almost twenty representatives from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; the Ministry of University, Research and Innovation of the Regional Government of Andalusia; Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Regional Goverment of Andalusia; the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI); the City Council of Seville; as well as various European institutions such as EUSPA and the EBU, have confirmed their participation in the event
  • The Cartuja Auditorium in Seville will host from March 17 to 21, 2025 the first edition of ‘New Space & Solutions’, a pioneering meeting in which the ‘New Space’ industry will come together to jointly explain the solutions they provide to citizens.

The city of Seville will become the epicenter of the aerospace industry with the celebration of ‘New Space & Solutions’, a benchmark event that will bring together leading government institutions, leading companies and industry experts The first edition of this event will have a wide institutional representation, consolidating Spain’s position at the forefront of space innovation.from March 17 to 21.

Organized in collaboration with public and private entities, ‘New Space & Solutions’ will be attended by almost twenty personalities from ministries, European organizations and representatives of regional and local governments. Confirmed institutions include the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; the Department of University, Research and Innovation of the Regional Government of Andalusia; the Department of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Regional Goverment of Andalusia; ; the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI); the City Council of Seville; as well as European organizations such as the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the European Broadcast Union (EBU).

This strong institutional presence underlines the commitment of the administrations to the growth of the space ecosystem and the attraction of investments to the country. In fact, ‘New Space & Solutions’ will be a key meeting point to discuss the future of the space sector, with a special focus on sustainability, digitalization, the application of new technologies in the exploration and use of space, the training of qualified personnel and the needs of companies for specialized labor, as well as making female talent in the aerospace industry visible.

Significant local and regional institutional support

The strong aerospace tradition of Seville and Andalusia, with a consolidated ecosystem that includes a large number of leading companies, led to the inauguration of the headquarters of the Spanish Space Agency in the Andalusian capital in April 2024. The City Council of Seville and the Regional Government of Andalusia will take advantage of the window offered by ‘New Space & Solutions’ to reaffirm their commitment to the development of the aerospace sector in southern Europe. The Mayor of Seville, José Luis Sanz, will be in charge of inaugurating and welcoming to the Andalusian capital all the participants, speakers, experts, professionals, institutions, organizations and companies of the aerospace and satellite sector that will meet at the Cartuja Auditorium -managed by Yventu-, which will host the first two face-to-face sessions followed by three virtual sessions.

Likewise, the Regional Government of Andalusia will also express its commitment to the aerospace industry and technological innovation through the participation of José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, Minister of University, Research and Innovation, and Jorge Paradela, Minister of Industry, Energy and Mines, during the opening day of ‘New Space & Solutions’.

Seville City Council supports ‘New Space & Solutions’.

Seville City Council will be well represented at the first edition of ‘New Space & Solutions’. The deputy mayor of Seville, Álvaro Pimentel, will be in charge of welcoming the second day of the event, while Fernando Mañes, vice president delegate of the CVA presidency of the Seville City Council, will moderate a panel called ‘Boosting the space sector in Seville’ in which will participate Josechu Ferreras, director of the Seville Space Photo; Eva Díaz, director of business development at ALTER Technology; or Jesús Boby, director of Intelligent Industry of the Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC).

Fernando Mañes will repeat his intervention in an interview, in virtual format during the third day, in which he will be accompanied by Antonio Villegas, general director of Economic Promotion, Business Parks and Science of the City Council of Seville. In the talk, both will address the impact of Seville having assumed during 2024 the Presidency of the Community of Ariane Cities (CVA) and what it means for the Andalusian capital the implementation of the incubator of emerging technology-based space companies of the European Space Agency (ESA).

The Regional Government of Andalusia launches ‘InnovAndalucía’ with an endowment of 59 million euros

Nieves Valenzuela, general director of Innovation Promotion of the Department of University, Research and Innovation of the Andalusian Regional Government, will develop during her participation in the third day -first virtual- the Space Initiative ‘InnovAndalucía’, which brings together six incentive programs endowed with 59 million euros to promote business and technological innovation in strategic sectors for the region.

For his part, Antonio Posadas, Secretary General of Research and Innovation of the Ministry of University, Research and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía, will moderate a panel called ‘Services: Agriculture, Cartography and Environment’ in which will participateMiguel Angel Mendez, managing director of the Agricultural and Fisheries Management Agency of Andalusia (AGAPA); Agustin Villar, deputy director of the Information Infrastructure Area at the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia; and Arturo Fernandez-Palacios, technical advisor of the Ministry of Sustainability and Environment of the Andalusian Government .

Likewise, Lorena Garrido, Deputy Minister of University, Research and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía, will be in charge of moderating a panel entitled ‘Defense and Space: Convergence of Opportunities’ in which several companies of the sector will participate. Meanwhile, Jesús Boby Alcaide, Smart Industry Director of the Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC), the only technology center in Spain dedicated exclusively to the aerospace sector and promoted by the Regional Government of Andalusia through FADA (Andalusian Foundation for Aerospace Development), will share his experience with the technologies that enable the paradigm shift towards the ‘Next Space’, sharing real success stories and technological trends in various fields such as additive and hybrid manufacturing, advanced production methods, process automation, advanced simulation, onboard AI, Earth observation, failure detection and recovery or guidance, navigation and control.

The Government of Spain commits to innovation and entrepreneurship

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) will show in the first edition of ‘New Space & Solutions’ its absolute commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship in the Spanish space sector. Teresa Riesgo, general secretary of Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, will present the results of several initiatives implemented through the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) and, since its entry into operation in 2023, with the Spanish Space Agency (AEE).

Apart from these two organizations, the Ministry coordinates the Spanish Strategic Aerospace Project, better known as PERTE Aerospace, created with a permanent vocation and represents the firm commitment of the Spanish Government to boost the aerospace sector as a whole, from R&D&I and public-private cooperation, to the industry and the deployment of solutions. Héctor Guerrero, deputy director general of Aerospace Policy and Strategy of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, will develop all aspects related to this project, which includes five aeronautical, seven space and eight cross-cutting actions.

Andrea Pérez-Carro, Representative and National Contact Point for the space area of Cluster 4 of Horizon Europe of the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), Public Business Entity (E.P.E) under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, will speak about the possible opportunities for the space sector in the European Union’s R&D&I framework program (Horizon Europe) with the aim of supporting space sector entities to maximize their participation in the program.

Europe seeks solutions for citizenship

At the European level, several institutions will also join the commitment shown at national, regional and local levels. Carmen Aguilera, Operational market development manager at the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), will talk about how space meets users’ needs, while identifying space solutions for our daily lives and tools available to turn innovative ideas into successful businesses.

Elena Puigrefagut, Project Manager of the European Broadcast Union (EBU), will share the progress of 5G-EMERGE, a project co-funded by ESA’s ARTES program, whose first phase has evaluated the feasibility of a new audiovisual content distribution ecosystem and a second phase that seeks the industrialization and deployment of the 5G-EMERGE ecosystem.

PCT Cartuja, innovation and technology enclave

The first edition of ‘New Space & Solutions’ will hold its first two days at the Cartuja Auditorium -managed by Yventu-, located in the Cartuja Science and Technology Park in Seville. Its general manager, Luis Pérez, will open the second day of this event that joins the list of events already hosted by the PCT of Seville, which, in the words of Luis Pérez himself, has set itself the challenge of “becoming the technological capital of Spain and Europe” by 2040.

All presentations can be followed through ‘The Observatory’. The digital platform of Medina Media Events, in the style of an on-demand service, where each intervention will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for free.

The first edition of ‘New Space & Solutions’ is organized by Medina Media Events with the collaboration of the City of Seville and the Department of University, Research and Innovation of the Andalusian Regional Government and has the support of Rohde & Schwarz, ALTER, Ansys, Augusta Abogados, CT Ingenieros, DEKRA, Integrasys, Kistler, Orbital EOS, PARSEC, Proexca (Canary Islands Government), Space-Aero, Universidad Loyola Andalucía, CEU Universidad Fernando III, among others.