New Space & Solutions, Where we communicate what New Space does for citizens, is a NEW AND PIONEERING International event where the space and satellite industry come together to provide solutions to citizens.
This event aims to give visibility to how SPACE HELPS and will help SOLVE THE PROBLEMS of CITIZENS, in cities, in rural areas, in services, in commuting, in companies and in business.
The aim of New Space & Solutions is to give visibility to all the leading national companies, multinationals, universities, institutions and experts who are working to put the Andalusian aerospace industry at the top of the world.
The New Space & Solutions will feature:
Moreover, it has seven clearly defined focuses on which to work:
To spread the word about what Space can do for citizens and to learn first-hand about opportunities in all segments. Promote and give visibility to satellite applications.
The dates of “New Space & Solutions” have been chosen to coincide every year with the International Women’s Day and Week. Therefore, it will also serve to give visibility and value to the role of all women committed to Space at a time when, from the Artemis program and many others, women will be the leading role in this new era.
Create a space for dialogue with the Administration, which is an annual reference on satellite services. Helping to create the Strategic Space Plan and the Space Law. Administrations must be “anchor customers”. All of them: Supranational, State, Autonomous, Provincial, Local,..
Identify possible sources and financing methods, at the regional, national and international levels. Funding is important. There are many startups that can be helped. And many times funds do not invest because they do not know how to evaluate the risk.
How many vacancies do space companies have that they are unable to fill? HUNDREDS/THOUSANDS. Talent is needed and especially female Talent is needed in companies. We must have talent and attract talent. The Universities have a key role to play here. And particularly universities in Andalusia, aspiring to give real market opportunities to students and solutions to companies.
Transmit to the Andalusian, Spanish and European citizens everything that is being done by the Industry and Space Agencies to ensure the protection, security and sustainability of New Space
We have the opportunity of helping to create synergies and an industry of our own. The event will serve to follow up on national, European and global standards and regulations. And also to show the opportunities of Public Procurement and Innovation policies.